Building a Six Figure Language Coaching Business – Interview with James Liu

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How much money can you make in a year?

As an independent language coach do you make enough to give yourself financial security and cover the risk and uncertainty of being self-employed?

Could you afford to separate yourself from your business for one or two months without it having a critical impact on your income?

If those questions make you uncomfortable, then you perhaps you should begin thinking about a long-term plan to scale to a more profitable and sustainable footing.

In this podcast I am joined by James Liu, CEO of Bowie Strategy and the founder of “The 21-Day Teacher-Entrepreneur Challenge”.

He explains the strategies and concepts he has shared with his clients, in order to help them grow six figure ESL coaching businesses.

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Get in touch with James through the following links:

Bowie Strategy Website

ESL Teacher E-Book – How to Get Your Own Students

Teacher Entrepreneur 21-Day Challenge

FREE 7-Day Social Media Marketing Challenge

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